
An Open Letter to Orlando City Fans

Phil Letter


On behalf of everyone at Orlando City, I wanted to say thank you for your amazing support in our preseason. It was incredible to see the stands filled to the brim for our friendly against Eastern Florida State College on Sunday afternoon and the thousands in attendance at our Open Practice on Tuesday night.  

This Saturday, our team will head upstate to take on the Jacksonville Armada FC. In the past we have had some behavior issues with a very small minority of our fans when playing against in-State rivals. When we travel to away games it is important for all of us to maintain the high standards that we set for ourselves here at home.

Please take a minute to read our Code of Conduct before attending this weekend’s match. Important components of the Code of Conduct include:

  • No throwing of objects of any kind
  • No obscene and/or abusive language and/or gestures
  • Being respectful of Jacksonville venue security, staff and their fans
  • No acts of violence
  • No destruction of property of any kind
  • No prohibited items, including smoke devices and/or pyrotechnics
  • No provoking or overly inciting behavior
  • No drunk and disorderly behavior

To ensure the safety of all of our traveling supports this weekend and in the future, we will enforce these rules as strictly as we do at the Orlando Citrus Bowl.

If any of these rules are broken and an individual or individuals are ejected from the stadium, or worse, arrested for any reason, the club will not hesitate to enforce the appropriate sanctions and/or a ban from future Orlando City home games.

Most of all, have fun, drive safe, and Go City!


Phil Rawlins