Orlando City

💬 César Araújo: Orlando City 'executed well' to take all three points from Inter Miami

Orlando City Head Coach Oscar Pareja  

Overall thoughts on the game 

“Congratulations to our fans for winning the derby. Beyond the three points that are very important for us, it means a lot to them. We're very happy to have such a performance here on this field against a main rival. We are very proud. I want to congratulate the players on the way they played tonight. I think it was until the 16th minute that it was our first shot against [Inter Miami CF]. We have a very solid resistance, and character in the initiative to play the game. If you’re going to start to win away games, it was super.  A lot of things that we can dig into and just take in as a method to get going to prepare for the next game against Atlanta.” 

On midfielder Martín Ojeda’s effect on the game 

“We have a few players that are really finding their best form and we understand that we have to provide for them an understanding in the moment. Martín [Ojeda] is one of them. He is a tremendous player that understands what we want on the field by getting his confidence back. Bringing him from the bench today was exactly with that purpose of trying to give him more space and lift his confidence with a goal and that was exactly what happened. I'm very happy for him [Martín Ojeda] and for Ercan [Kara] as well. They scored and played very well. My respect to the group, it was a very good performance.” 

On the supporters who traveled for the game 

“I want to highlight that these three (points) was for our fans. Obviously, it’s a derby for the fans that are in Orlando but especially the ones that came it was very emotional for us to see that corner dressed in purple and trusting the team and supporting us. They deserve the best and I promise that we won’t stop working to see if we can get this better and better.”

Orlando City Midfielder Ceesar Araujo 

On the win against Inter Miami 

“I think first off it was a great game and thankfully we were able to take all three points, which is something that we try to do whether we're playing at home or whether we're playing on the road. I thought we played well today and like I said, we got the three points so just very happy overall.” 

On how the team responded after dropping points midweek against New York City FC 

“You know I think the reality is we were three minutes away from taking the victory at the midweek, but the fact is that we just had to turn the page and start focusing on Miami which is what we did. Oscar and the coaching staff studied really well and told us exactly what we had to do to all have a great game here against Miami and  we were able to do that and we executed well to take all three points.” 

On his relationship on the pitch with midfielder Wilder Cartagena and what he expects as they get ready to face Atlanta United 

“Wilder [Cartagena] and I haven't played a ton of games together but these last few we've been able to play and continue getting to know each other, and one another's game as well. I think we had another great game together today and personally, I think that I had a great game as well in terms of my personal play. And now we turn, and we focus on getting a good recovery in and focusing on training up for the game against Atlanta at home in front of our fans and all the support that they give us. We need to focus on taking three points this weekend.”